Tuesday, 14 August 2007

10) Ring-tailed Lemurs

Like all Lemurs, Ring-tails live in Madagascar. But their habitats are being destroyed, and they're now classed as vulnerable. However, they are thriving in captivity.

Their eye-colour changes, depending if they're juvenile or adult. Juveniles have blue eyes, whilst adults have a yellowy-brown (can be seen in image).

You can find these wonders on the ground or in the trees of the island of rare animals (as I like to call it). They communicate using voices and scent. When threatened, they stick out their nails and "jump-fight".

They breed from April to June, and females are pregnant for about 146 days.

This was asked for by Mark, so I hope he, and everyone else, enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummm that sad to hear about them i am a very big fan of lemurs are they able to be house pets? send me a message about it please zipperlovue29@yahoo.com