Sunday 6 January 2008

Wildlife and You: January 2008

So, as you know, it's now January. It's 2008. Just in case you didn't know *rolls eyes*.

Anyway. This year I want your resolution to be to get out their with the wildlife. Take photos. They'll always be welcome here just send me an e-mail.

Anyway, this month. Quite a few mammals will be in hibernation, or just snuggling into their homes. January is the month of the birds. All the migratory birds have arrived so go out and film them! It is the best month to see Starlings doing their display in their flocks.

Be sure to send me your photos, and if you don't live in the U.K. or Europe, you can still send stuff in! It will be just as interesting to see the happenings where you live.

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