Sunday 22 July 2007



I will take my camera with me to take any interesting wildlife pics!

W.W.T. Slimbridge pics

Yesterday afternoon we went to W.W.T. Slimbridge. Here are the pictures. Enjoy.

A friendly Nene

A pair of Mallards chilling out

What are those Cranes doing at Crane school on a Saturday?!

Sick as a Parrot...I mean Bewick

A wonderful shot of a Moorhen

Ickle Moorhen

Moorhens aren't endangered! Get out of the forthcoming Back From The Brink exhibition!

Good ol' mates

You discover something new every day!


No comment

Downy Cygnet days

Show us your head!

There it is!

It even looked at the camera!

Please, no rude jokes

They actually posed for the camera!

The daily Mute Swan rampage

Friday 20 July 2007

7) Budgies

Budgies are usually kept as pets, but like any animal, there are wild ones, too. They are very popular because of their mimicry and their antics. They are very easy to train. They love company because it is their natural instinct to be in massive flocks. In the wild they fly across their home country, Austrailia. In captivity, there are awards for budgies. They can live up to 15 years in captivity, which is the same as most domestic cats, but one Blue Tit has lived up to 21 years!! Budgies are one of the very few parrots to be classed as their own species.

This fact file was a request from Rob, so I hope you, and everyone, enjoyed it.

Thursday 19 July 2007

6) Blue Tits

Blue Tits are one of the most loved birds in the U.K. They are also one of the most common. They have one brood per year, and the mating season lasts from April through to May & June. They can be found in Europe, Asia & parts of Africa. Juveniles look similar to the adults, apart from they are fluffier and have a green crown, rather than blue. Females incubate the 7-13 eggs a pair have for 12-16 days & the fledglings fledge after 16-21 days. They have many different calls, so if you were to track these birds, you would have to learn about 4 different songs.

These are amongst my favourite birds in Britain, even though I like all of them!

Wednesday 18 July 2007

5) Peacock Butterflies

Peacock butterflies have a wingspan of about 60 mm. (6 cm.). They get the name "peacock" because of their "eyes" on their wings that resemble the tail of a peacock (the bird). They are one of the six sights of Spring that the BBC programme Springwatch use.
The caterpillers are black, with white spots & spines.
You can see these wonders in gardens, orchards, and other places with lots of flowers across most of Europe and Asia. In Winter, mature (pregnant) individuals hibernate, so don't expect to see them then. But they are very common, so during Spring & Summer, look out for them.
If you find one & take a picture of it, I can give you my e-mail so you can send it to me, then I will post it up here. But no getting it off the internet!

Tuesday 17 July 2007


Saturday morning I'm taking my digi camera with me to the W.W.T. centre at Slimbridge. I will post up the pics I'll take.

I might go on a wildlife walk in the afternoon, hopefully. I will post interesting stuff up.


Sorry about this, but a few days ago I put a consequence Board up.


Cloak broke rule 2. His ban will expire 24th July (7 days from date of posting)

Raxxie broke rule 1. His ban will expire 8th August (22 days from date of posting)

I will mention if you get banned.

I will post normally shortly.

Wednesday 11 July 2007


I'm gonna have a new system. It is gonna be like the one at my school;



Cbox-first 2 bans plus this ban

School-isolation or exclusion
Cbox-permanent ban

Chatting on another computer or banning me because I banned you will result in an automatic C4.


Tuesday 10 July 2007


Guys, I just found out how to ban people from the Cbox.

Cloak has been banned for two weeks for spamming. I will update the rules soon.

1. No swearing (4 week ban)
2. No spamming (2 week ban)
3. No links to porn or violence (3 week ban)
4. No sex talk (3 week ban)
5. No bullying (4 week ban)


Sunday 8 July 2007

4) Grey Squirrels

Grey squirrels, like they're cousins the red squirrels, are mammals. They also make drays. They originally come from North America. They have pushed the reds up north, poor reds. Grey squirrels are greyish in colour, usually with reddish heads. They are very similar to red squirrels, so, to find out more, use the red squirrel fact file. (This is only mini one as most has been posted before!)

3) Red Squirrels

Red squirrels' scientific name is Sciurus vulgaris. They are the native squirrel of Britain but have been pushed to the north because of the grey squirrels introduced from North America. Red squirrels are a reddy-browny colour, with tufts on their ears during Autumn & Winter, and a bushy bush (bush is the name of a squirrel's tail). They are very loveable and cheeky. If you ever see one in the U.K. send me pictures (I will give you my e-mail address then). In some places, they have special boxes in which only red squrrels can get to the food, not greys. They are very common in the woods around the Lake District. They spend alot of their time up in trees, where they build drays (their nests). Some people call them pests, but I don't. Do you?

2) Rabbits

Rabbits are mammals. They can be kept as pets. They are closely related to hares. Baby rabbits are called kittens. In the wild they usually live up to about 3 years, in captivity they can live up to 12 years! In the wild they live in burrows. They eat green food first, and save carrots & parsnips ect. for later. Litters can have up to 12 kittens, and they reach adulthood after about 4 months. They can have straight ears or lops ears, and they are sometimes white, black, brown or grey.

Saturday 7 July 2007

1) Penguins

There are 17 different species of penguin. From largest to smallest they are:
1) Emperor
2) King
3) Gentoo
4) Yellow-Eyed
5) Royal
- Chinstrap
7) Macaroni
8) Adelie
- Magellanic
- Blackfooted
11) Erect-Crested
12) Humbolt
13) Snares Island
14) Rockhopper
15) Fiorland Crested
16) Galapagos
17) Blue
Penguins are birds. They live in the Southern Hemishpere.


This site is about nature.