Friday 31 August 2007

British Threat

The new list of animals under-threat in Britain has been released. There are 1149 species on the list. These species include Hedgehogs, House Sparrows & Harvest Mice.
Although it's not all bad news, as some species, including the Ladybird Spider, have been taken off the list.
The list also includes plants.

Bunny Birthday!

First of all, sorry. We lost the Internet for a bit.

Two days ago my rabbit, Smudgie, turned three! Send your birthday messages to him, or your pet's birthday, by using the cbox, comment form, or by e-mail.

Saturday 25 August 2007

Cosmoston Ponds pictures

Here are a few pictures that I took the other day when I went to the wildlife ponds in Cosmonston. Enjoy.

YAY!! Baby seagulls!

A few wildfowl

You might need to enlarge this one!

Friday 24 August 2007

Fearsome Fish

Scientists have been searching the Mid-Atlantic Ridge have discovered some new species. Above you can see a Viper Fish, also known as Chauliodus Sloani. They also found a new type of Shrimp. They brought back not only pictures, but actual animals as well.

Please comment on what you think of this new species.
Thank you.

Thursday 23 August 2007

A Birth at Last!

Remember this post and this post? Well I've finally got some good news! There is a new-born baby Gorilla at the Virunga National Park. It doesn't have a name yet, but they're working on it. Isn't it sweet?
Please comment.
Thank you.

British Man-o'-War

Perthmeor Beach in St. Ives. And an unusual sighting has been spotted. A Portuguese Man-o'-War. These creatures are really dangerous, and this is the sixth siting since 2003. A Marine Conservation Society expert said, "There is no need to panic about the arrival of this one creature."
Peter Richardson said, "But beach users, especially those with families, should be aware that these animals can present a serious threat."
These creatures are becoming an ever-so common feature to the British Summer. And I don't think we'll ever have none turning up on our shoreline.
Please comment on your thoughts.
Thank you.

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Fruit Bat Virus

Humans have become ill in D.R. Congo & Gabon, and the cause is said to be Fruit Bats. The disease is called Marburg. The chances of death are 80 to 90%.
Please comment on what you think about this.
Thank you.

Monday 20 August 2007

Pet Pawtraits

Information for the 2008 P.D.S.A. Pet Pawtraits calendar has been released. It will feature celebrities (including Sean Astin, John Barrowan & Kate Gerraway) and their pets. All money will go to the charity and it will be released in September. You can buy it from 181 of their shops as well as online.
Thanks to Mark from TARDIS And Torchwood Treasures (who was reporting about John Barrowman in it) for this.
Please comment about it. I'll buy it.
Thank you.

Saturday 18 August 2007

More Murders

This site isn't going offline, HOORAY! But can I just remind you to vote on the fact file poll. Thank you.

Remember this post? I've got an update on it.

Ndeze (above) is an orphaned Mountain Gorilla. The parents were killed in the Virunga National Park in D.R. Congo. Park Rangers are doing extra patrols around the park to stop things like this happening again.

Also, a group of 12 Gorillas attacked by gunmen have been declared dead.

Please comment on what you think about this.

Thank you.

Friday 17 August 2007


This site is gong offline again. It will be back up and running on Wednesday.

Migration Change

Study shows that many birds that winter in the U.K. are wintering in places closer to where they breed. There are worries that where they are wintering won't have the right food to support them. People think this is all down to climate change.
Dr. Mark Avery, conservation director for the R.S.P.B. said, "The U.K. has had both the perfect climate and the perfect habitats for these birds, but the evidence is growing that climate change is starting to bite. Sea level rise and warmer climates are reducing their numbers, undermining our importance for birds."
Dr. Baz Hughes from W.W.T. said, "Every winter, the U.K.'s estuaries, marshes and wetlands throng with the arrival of ducks, geese, swans and wading birds, making the U.K. one of the most important countries in the world for some of these birds. However, we are becoming increasingly concerned about the declining numbers of some populations. While some are simply taking advantage of milder winters by staying on the continent, others like the Greenland white-fronted goose, are in real and rapid decline. Conservation action is needed urgently to reverse these decline."
What do you think about this? Comment your views.
Thank you.

Thursday 16 August 2007

Illegal Ivory

Ivory is one of the many illegal things holidaymakers are bringing back from abroad. Other things are coral and Chinese medicines. Study shows that last year 163,000 illegal wildlife goods, many from endangered species, were seized. W.W.F. spokeswoman Heather Sohl said, "Many tourists could be unwittingly helping to push some of the world's most endangered species to the brink of extinction - all for the sake of an exotic souvenir. Our message is if in doubt don't buy."

Please comment on what you think about this shocking behaviour.

Thank you.

Tourist Threat for Turtles

Turtles in Greece have been killed and injured. Here is my report on it-
Summer. Holidaymakers are covering the beeches of Greece. People doing water sports have been injuring many endangered turtles. So many casualties have occurred that the intensive care unit at one animal hospital has to have been expanded. This is not good.
Charities are encouraging people to take care, especially in Rhodes. One worker said, "The laws for the speed on water need to be revised so that less injuries occur."
Please comment on what you think about this.
Thank you.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

A couple of good links

Mark has sent me this link. Check it out. It's about endangered animals. I might use it for a future post.

My friend Alice has sent me this link. Check it out and sign the petition. I have.

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Poisoned Eagles

The female of the only breeding Golden Eagle pair in the Borders part of Scotland has been killed. It was shot with poison because it hunts Grouse, which are cruelly killed for sport. I mean, the Eagle's gotta eat. The people shoot them for fun!
The dead bird was about nine or ten years old, and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Scotland will give £1000 to whoever finds the killer. Even though there are 420 breeding pairs in other pars of Scotland, it is still upsetting, and we wonder how long it will be before they suffer the same fate.
Please comment your views on this upsetting news.
Thank you.

10) Ring-tailed Lemurs

Like all Lemurs, Ring-tails live in Madagascar. But their habitats are being destroyed, and they're now classed as vulnerable. However, they are thriving in captivity.

Their eye-colour changes, depending if they're juvenile or adult. Juveniles have blue eyes, whilst adults have a yellowy-brown (can be seen in image).

You can find these wonders on the ground or in the trees of the island of rare animals (as I like to call it). They communicate using voices and scent. When threatened, they stick out their nails and "jump-fight".

They breed from April to June, and females are pregnant for about 146 days.

This was asked for by Mark, so I hope he, and everyone else, enjoyed it.

Monday 13 August 2007

Scrolly Text

Thank you Cloak for the scrolly text.

Sunday 12 August 2007

House or zoo?

Sorry I'm a bit rushed. Just to tell you my house is plauged by bugs!

Saturday 11 August 2007

9) Basking Sharks

Basking Sharks are the second largest fish in the world, only beaten by the Whale Shark. Basking Sharks only eat Plankton, so don't be scared if they come up to you with their mouths wide open (see image). They are scared of humans, so it will be hard to get close to one. They are commonly spotted in Spring & Summer, and will come quite close to the shore.

Friday 10 August 2007

Mountain Murders

Poachers have been hunting the endangered Mountain Gorilla. Many have been found dead in central Africa, where they live. This is very upsetting. I will inform you on this ongoing evil.
Please comment your thoughts.
Thank you.

Thursday 9 August 2007

8) Eurasian Cranes

Also know as the Common Crane, the Eurasian Crane is a large stately bird. It breeds in northern Europe & northern Asia. It eats leaves, roots, berries, insects, small birds & mammals. It lives in Wetlands. The Great Crane Project (involving groups such a W.W.T.) is trying to bring these wonders back to Britain.

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Bye Bye Baiji

The Baiji (also known as the Yantze River Dolphin) has been declared extinct. There could be a few left though. They were last spotted in 2002, and when groups such as W.W.T. went out for six weeks to search for it last year, they couldn't find a single one.
Doctor Sam Turvey from the Zoological Society of London had this to say:
"Even if there are a few left, we can't find them and we can't do anything to stop their extinction."
He described this news as shocking and tragic.
Post you views about this upsetting news in the comment form.
Thank you.

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Foot and Mouth hits again

Foot and Mouth disease has hit Britain again. It last hit in 2001. Many animals in the south have been culled. I hope the best for everyone at this time.

Please coment your views.


Monday 6 August 2007

Fact File poll 1 results

The first fact file poll results are in. Here they are-

In joint 3rd place with 0 votes (0%) are Rabbits, Grey Squirrels & Peacock Butterflies.
In 2nd place with 1 vote (25%) is Red Squirrels
And in 1st place with 3 votes (75%) is Penguins

Here is the proof-

Thank you to everyone who voted. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Please comment on the comment form
Thank you

Sunday 5 August 2007

Animals and the Floods

As you may know, there has been severe flooding in the U.K. They hit the north in June, and the south in July. I'm going to talk to you about how the animals are effected.

Many pets have been trapped. Many pets, like people, have no clean tap water to drink. The tap water currently coming through can only be drunk, or used to wash dishes, or clean your teeth, if boiled. Trust me, it is incredibly annoying brushing your teeth with bottled water. Some people think you can give it to pets un-boiled. I strongly disagree with that. They're living things after all.

The wildlife hate the rain. It ruins feathers, it destroys homes. But some of the after-math is good. Wildfowl get more place to swim and hunt. So it's not all bad.

Saturday 4 August 2007

Sacred Shambo

As you may know, Shambo, a bull from Skanda Vale, Llanpumsaint (ll is a Welsh letter not pronouned like an l), has been put down. He had T.B. I knew about Shambo last year, whilst I was watching him (he's sacred to Hindus) on Wales Today where they suggested something was wrong. He was diagnosed 3 months ago.


P.S. He wasn't sacred to me, but it's still sad. It was for the best I suppose. Please comment your views.


This is Animalz's new banner. A bid thank you to Cloak who told me how to make it.

Please comment on it.

Friday 3 August 2007


...back to Animalz! I havn't taken any animal pictures unfortunately, but I still have a few posts to do!