Friday 11 July 2008

Rogue Pups

The above image was made by myself (albeit quickly).

The RSPCA has found out some shocking truths. Rogue traders (no, not the band) are selling ill puppies.

To undergo this operation, the charity bought six puppies from one of these dodgy dealers. They looked after them well. Two became sick. One of those died. That one is in the above picture.
Last year alone, the RSPCA received 700 calls about sick canine pets that became ill soon after they gave it a home.
Mark Evans, from the RSPCA warned, "The RSPCA believes that many are likely to have been exposed to disease and may become seriously ill, or even die, within days or weeks of entering their new home."
He also advised people to only get one from well-known places and always see the one you want to buy with its mother.
I am shocked at the behaviour of some people. I hope they get shut down, and that any puppies they have are treated well and have a good life.
Please comment.
Thank you.

Thursday 10 July 2008

The Stuff of Nightmares

The creature pictured above has recently been discovered in the gardens of Caerphilly & Cardiff. It's called a Ghost Slug.
Unlike other British slugs, this one is white instead of brown or black, doesn't have any eyes, lives underground and eats worms instead of plants. In fact, it eats worms by sucking them up.
The scientific name for this unusual invertebrate is Selenochlamys ysbryda, with the latter of the two words coming from ysbryd, Welsh for ghost.
Although this is a new species, it is similar to other slugs found in the countries of Turkey & Georgia. The Ghost Slug isn't a native species to the U.K.; the most likely explanation of their existence here is that of being brought over in plant pots.
This is exciting news. There is another species we know now, and, even if it's not in danger of dying out, we can still find ways to help it thrive.
Please comment.
Thank you.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Mean and Seen

Oink the Water Buffalo is a victim. A victim of criminal damage.
His hay has been set on fire, he has been thrown at by bricks and has had washing up liquid put into his water.
He is getting old at the age of fifteen, and this is certainly not helping him. He was rescued and lives in the county of Derbyshire, where the attacks have taken place.
They are worse during the school holidays, which is not good news for Oink seeing as the six week long Summer holidays are only a week and a half away.
But fear not. CCTV is being installed to protect the mammal, and the police will find it easier to catch the thugs. Local groups are also raising support for new fencing around the enclosure of the Water Buffalo.
I find it shocking and disturbing that anyone would do this. I hope the new ideas work well.
Please comment.
Thank you.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Fat Vets and Pets

The PDSA has released a warning about the rising number of obese pets in Scotland. Of course, the rest of the U.K. and other countries have it too, but these are not as severe.

This isn't the first time an animal charity has raised this problem. The RSPCA has done so many an occasion.

The issue has been highlighted because, even though only three out of ten dogs are overweight, seven out of ten at their Scottish clinics are.

This is serious as the rotund animal in question generally will have a shorter lifespan than others of the same species.

The main cause is over-feeding. I'm not sure about a lot of pet foods, but they usually have guidelines for how much you should feed your loving creature. If everyone tries to follow these, and makes sure that plenty of exercise is given, everyone will be happy.

Please comment.

Thank you.

Monday 7 July 2008

The First Year

The above image was made by myself and is copyright © Animalz 2008

So, one year ago today, this site was created. The above image is the new banner, replacing the previous one that ruled Animalz for eleven months. Expect it to grace Animalz for the foreseeable future. All of the photos were taken by myself.

I don't really know what else to say, except that the revamp is on this site is just about finished. All we have left now is my post quantity, which will hopefully be at least one every three days.

Please comment. Thank you.

Thursday 3 July 2008

150th Post!

The above image was made by myself and is copyright © Animalz 2008.

As we approach one year, I have finally managed 150 posts. I may not be doing anything special for this 'special' post, but I have created an image (not a very good one, but it'll do), and that image is a taster of what is to come after the revamp. Every fifty posts, I will create another image using any animal-related photos since the last 'special' post (with the exception of birthday posts). The penguin photo was actually taken before this site was created, if you wanted to know.

The next post will be on Monday, Animalz's birthday, and the revamp on this site will officially commence!

I hope you enjoy the next fifty posts!

Please comment. Thank you.