Sunday 5 October 2008

World Animal Week 2008

Yesterday marked the first day of World Animal Week 2008. World Animal Week is an annual event that runs from 4 October until 10 October. It is designed to raise awareness on animal cruelty, and if people support it, it could make a massive difference to the way animals are treated daily.

If it gets spread around enough, governments might want to help out in the fight against the mistreatment of animals worldwide. One thing you can do this World Animal Week is sign this fantastic online petition. You could also spread the word and change the world.

This week, think about the animals who suffer dreadfully every day. Raise awareness. Thank you.


fenrirthewolf said...

Signed, but do they spam you with the e-mail address thing?

Gaz said...

It's not really spam. They only send you stuff every now and then, and they're just updates on what they're doing.